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world of their experience, there is no evidence that they are generally able
       to extrapolate to other equally relevant situations without some form of
       post-training support.

            n Can our training people, internal or external, demonstrate
                convincingly that the methods that they use deliver the optimum
                level of application of learning in the workplace?

                – What were the training objectives?

                – What must we measure to get the true picture?
                       Time saved?
                       Pound/dollar value to the business of problems solved?
                       Employee morale?
                       Cost savings?
                       Sales revenues increased?
                       Customer satisfaction?
                       Customer retention?

            n If they cannot measure results, is it not time that they were made


       Regardless of methodology, on average 87 per cent of the learning that is
       transferred to the workplace is lost within twelve weeks if learning is
       unsupported. (Let me be clear about this, combining Joyce’s findings with
       those of Xerox there is compelling evidence that the “bog standard” every-
       day training course in which you invest delivers to the workplace, within
       three months of leaving the conference room, 13 per cent of 13 per cent
       (1.69 per cent) return on your training investment. Even that low figure is
       only true if you believe that the whole programme was relevant and worth
       the overall cost. If some part of the programme was amusing though not
       particularly useful it is within the bounds of possibility that some of what
       is remembered and transferred serves very little purpose. I have investi-
       gated cases where a heavy reliance on training films that emphasize what
       not to do more amusingly than they demonstrate the desired behaviour
       have led to some people, a minority it must be admitted, taking the come-
       dian’s antics as a role model for future behaviour.) You might like to ask
       yourself and then your training people where else that level of return is
       considered to be acceptable in a business?

            n Should we, as an absolute minimum, test how much is learned on
                all training courses, how much is used at the workplace and how
                much that which is used contributes to achieving a strategic or
                tactical goal?

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