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Are we convinced that there is not a more economical  Yes  No
way to develop our people?

Would such development give us a real competitive     Yes No
edge in the real world?

Do we have a clear understanding of how we will       Yes  No
use our competitive advantage to damage competition
and/or attract worthwhile customers?

Is the cost of using consultants the best use of      Yes No
limited resources right now?

Are we prepared to face up to and use anything        Yes No
that might emerge from an external review?

Are we confident that no key decision-maker            Yes No
will become defensive or protect his “turf”?

Are we confident that we can deliver a “brief”

that will ensure that the consultant understands our

needs?                                                Yes No

Do we know (or know how to find) the right             Yes No
consultants to do the job most effectively and

Do we want to work with these people?                 Yes No

Can we afford the fees?                               Yes No

Have we worked out the cash flow implications          Yes No
of the simple fact that we pay fees now to enjoy
benefits later?

Are we prepared and able to live with the time that   Yes No
it will inevitably take consultants to learn about
our business?

Only when the answer to each question is an unconditional “yes” can you
be certain that this is the right time to use consultants. For any question that
you have answered “no” think through what you need to do to change that
answer to “yes”. No matter what the problem or opportunity, you will get
the best out of consultants only when you are fully prepared to use them for
optimal effect.

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