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P. 243

n It is essential that the board consider KM with the maximum
                diligence. It is hoped that this unavoidably short, outline provides
                a basis of careful assessment and decision-making.


      I Too much money is wasted on training. The waste results almost
      I entirely from a combination of laziness and ignorance. As a
      I trainer myself I know how exhausting it can be to carry out
      I training effectively. But the fact that something is difficult is no
      I excuse for failure. As the late Ian Mikado pointed out there is no
      I satisfaction to be gained from the fact that Christianity, like
      I socialism has been found to be so difficult that its teachings have
      I not been implemented for the better part of two thousand years.
      I Trainers are generally too eager to embrace any methodology
      I that enables the delegates to engage in activities that require little
      I or no input from the trainer. They are also given to establishing
      I so-called objectives that state what a trainee will “be able to do”
      I after training rather than take any responsibility for ensuring
      I that what should be done is done.
      I The situation is compounded by managers who are too lazy and
      I too ignorant to insist that trainers do what they are paid for and
      I supervisors who are unwilling to do what they must to ensure a
      I return on the training budget. The result is money down the drain
      I and, believe me, the wasted money will be the smallest loss if we
      I continue to tolerate “training for training’s sake”.

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