Page 239 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 239

n Do we understand the benefits and pitfalls of a systemized
    approach to KM?

n Are we, as a board, ready to provide the right kind of leadership to
    make this a success?

n Are we all prepared to let go of the old belief that “power flows to
    he who knows”?

n If we were to consider implementing a full knowledge management
    approach would it be because:

    – There is a meaningful business reason for doing it right now?

    – It will pay for itself in a reasonable time?

    – It can be explained in simple and motivational terms to those
        who must make it work?

How well do we manage knowledge today –                              0
a self assessment                                                    1
Instructions                                                         3
Against each question give your business a score as follows:

We are totally unsuccessful or unaware of the need (unsatisfactory)
We are aware of the need, but perform badly (poor)
We are as good as most, but better than none (fair)
We could, and do, show competition a thing or two (good)
We are the best of the best (excellent)

1. Are our people at level committed to sharing knowledge?
2. Do we use all the knowledge that exists in the business in a

    timely and effective way?
3. Do operations, departments and divisions co-operate to

    deliver “communities of best practice”?
4. Are we able to actively measure our knowledge performance?
5. Are we developing the competencies that we require to fully

    exploit today’s best markets?
6. Have we identified the competencies that we will require to

    fully exploit the best markets of the future?
7. Are we able to convincingly imagine, anticipate and invent

    the future of our business?
    – Are we able to create “smart” products and services?
8. Have we been able to significantly cut the lead-time from
    “mind to market”?

208 Key management questions
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