Page 238 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 238

The drawbacks

    n Knowledge management is, of necessity, systems based and the
        systems are usually either complex or too limited in scope to be

    n Knowledge management demands enthusiastic transfer and
        application by all whose efforts are needed to make it work and the
        existing culture may require a major re-think before all are
        enabled or motivated to “buy in” to the system.

    n The complexities of the system encourage its use to be limited to
        “knowledge workers”.

    n Individuals are often concerned that they are being driven by a
        system that is out of their control. “Their job” is in danger of
        merely becoming “the job”.

Availability of systems

As with all new business concepts there are a growing number of software
firms offering products and consultancy services. Institutes have been set
up, some under the full ownership and management of software and hard-
ware suppliers. The difficulty is one of finding an “honest broker” or of
having your CIO help the board to investigate a wide range of systems and
pick that which most simply and comprehensively meets specified needs.

    Establishing a comprehensive and effective knowledge management
system usually involves a considerable investment of both time and
resources. It is therefore a board responsibility to decide whether the man-
agement of knowledge within the business is the best use of resources right

Questions for boards to consider

    n Do we want and need to systemize the collection, transfer and use
        of tacit and explicit knowledge?

    n What is competition doing?
    n Are we keeping abreast of the emerging expectations and desires of

        our worthwhile customers?
    n Are our people and our culture ready for this?
    n Do we share at board level a burning desire to dominate our

        markets that demands that we win the knowledge race?
    n Can we accurately assess the need and can we forecast with

        confidence how quickly we may expect a suitable return on both
        the financial investment and time required to implement this

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