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n You may expect full, informative answers to any questions
                concerning your therapist’s or consultant’s accreditation,
                mediation or qualifications.

            n Your personal safety must always be a primary responsibility for
                your therapist.

            n Your financial, emotional and physical well-being must be the
                primary concern for your consultant, mentor or advisor.

            n Other than in circumstances of habitual criminal acts by you or
                the creation of situations that might endanger your therapist your
                support and treatment is not conditional on your continued “good

            n You may expect to be taught therapeutic or business skills and to
                be given appropriate help to enable you to practise them for best

            n You have the right to reasonable physical comfort during all

            n You can expect that communications in time of urgent need, to
                your therapist or consultant outside formal appointments, will
                receive a timely response.

            n You have a right to expect that your therapist, consultant or coach
                will leave you more autonomous and self-reliant at the end of any

            n Where your chosen therapist, consultant or mentor is less than
                fully qualified to deliver your needs it is their responsibility to help
                you to find a qualified person or team with whom you feel

            Don’t let the references to therapists disorient you. My consultants are
       hard-bitten businesspeople. We are, however accredited to a number of
       institutes including one that works in the field of psychology, both business
       and therapeutic. Doing so reminds us all that we are working with human
       beings and need to have their best interests at heart in everything that we
       do if only because by understanding people we are able to do our best for
       the business. Frequently mentoring work leads qualified consultants into
       pathways that are, or are very close to, therapy. That is another reason
       why it is essential that no consultant should ever accept an assignment for
       which they are not fully qualified. Some things cannot and must not be
       learned at the client’s expense.

            For the sake of completeness I include a copy of our Code of Ethics,
       which every consultant signs and by which each of us works under the
       eagle eyes of our independent third-party assessors.

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