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The consultant will not recommend anything to a client which:
            Is not of real, measurable benefit to the client organization;
            Cannot be implemented by the client or their employees;
            Cannot be explained to the client in simple language that will enable the
            client to make an informed judgement.


      I In a complex and fast-moving business environment it is essential
      I to draw on all sources of information, assistance and advice that
      I are available to you. It is also essential that you satisfy yourself
      I that this is the appropriate source of advice and support; that it is
      I economical and that it develops your autonomy rather than
      I diminishes it.
      I As business becomes increasingly complex nobody can hope to
      I know it all and that goes for consultants as much as it does for
      I executives, managers and knowledge workers. So “buyer beware”
      I becomes the client’s watchword. As Figgie shows, the purloining
      I of your watch may prove to be the least of your problems.
      I If you need the help of consultants Lambert’s Laws still apply.
      I The use of outside help must make a significant difference to
      I achieving worthwhile goals.
      I The intervention must pay for itself in a reasonable time.
      I It must engage the co-operation and promote the growth of your
      I people who will make it work.
      I The consultants must leave as soon as the job is done – and they
      I must leave you with the tools to continue as far as you wish or
      I need to go.

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