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Accredited consultant code of ethics

The client interest will be placed ahead of that of the consultant at all

Confidentiality of client information will be absolute including a require-
ment that the consultant will not publish in any form the fact that he/she
is working, or has worked, for the client unless they have the express per-
mission of the client, in writing, to do so.

The consultant will take no financial advantage of insider information in
relation to the client business.

No member of the Institute at any level will accept an assignment for
which they are less than fully qualified. Any doubts concerning qualifica-
tions will be referred back to the Institute to ensure proper client and con-
sultant support.

At the end of any consultancy assignment the member will ensure that the
client is enabled to continue the work or use the outcomes without further
external intervention.

The client will be formally informed of the progress of the assignment at
least monthly and immediately should the need arise.

The consultant will not serve two or more directly competing clients at the
same time without the knowledge and permission of each.

The consultant will respect the autonomy of their principal and will give
sensitive information to the client immediately, frankly and completely.

The consultant will inform the potential client of any circumstances that
may influence the consultant’s judgement or independence.

Where possible, the client will be made fully aware of the cost of the inter-
vention in advance.

The consultant will not solicit or accept commissions for recommendations
for equipment or software not previously tested and approved by the Insti-

The consultant will not introduce colleagues or other professionals into
the assignment without the specific permission of the client and of the

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