Page 26 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 26
Nothing should be done in a business unless:
n It makes a significant impact on achieving goals.
n It will pay for itself in a reasonable time.
n It can be explained in simple and inspirational terms to all those
who need to make it work.
The laws refer to tactical matters, so there is much to be gained by
asking some tactical questions.
It makes a significant impact
n Who are the 20 per cent of customers that deliver 80 per cent of
our profitable business?
n What is the lifetime value of these customers?
n What is the lifetime value of the average customer?
n Who specifically are the customers that we need to keep?
n What do they want from us?
n When did we last ask them what they require from us?
n How well do our goals reflect our need to keep these customers?
n How will this activity play a significant role in enabling us to bind
our key customers to us?
n How precisely will this attract new, profitable customers?
n If it does not build our business, why are we proposing to do it?
It pays for itself
n How long is the payback period?
n What is the anticipated return on investment?
n When will the cash flow become positive if we invest?
n What other demands on resources do we have?
n Is this the best way to use our resources right now?
It is meaningful and inspirational
n What do our people care about?
n When did we last ask them?
n Who specifically is crucial to making this work?
n Do they understand the importance of their role?
n Could I explain this change effectively to a four-year-old child?
n Does what is proposed really excite me?
Introduction xxv