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P. 29

n How do I recognize the achievements of my people and encourage
                them to build strength on strength?

            n How do I show my respect for the individual?

            If you do all of these things effectively you are what one research team
       calls “a best boss”. As a best boss you will want to become better yet and
       then better still. You will find in these pages the thought starters, case
       studies, research findings, key questions and even some of the answers
       that will enable you to build strength on strength.

            Success will be yours and what is more thinking through and asking the
       right questions of the right people at the right time does not only keep you
       in control, it is fun.

     Questioning skills

       The value of asking questions cannot be overemphasized. You can effec-
       tively manage a person’s thinking by asking the right questions. Psychia-
       trists, psychologists and the most effective salespeople think deeply about
       the questions that will direct thinking along the lines that are appropriate.

            If you want a person to think about how they think or how they feel
       about something ask them open questions. These are simply questions
       that cannot be answered briefly or with a “yes” or “no”.

            n What keeps you awake at night?
            n What’s your evidence?
            n If it were your responsibility what would you do?
            n How do you feel about it?
            n What do you think should be our next steps?

       – and the most widely used open question of all:
            n Why?

            Although it is usually easier to begin by asking open questions and then
       focus down on to what is important by asking closed questions, psycholo-
       gists know that to ask open questions of somebody who feels threatened
       only adds to the pressure and frequently causes them to clam up or mutter
       things like “I don’t know” or “I’m not really sure”. To get shy people or
       people under pressure to talk freely, ask closed questions first and then
       open up the discussion when they show signs of feeling comfortable. In the
       case of very stressed people make sure that the closed questions that you
       ask initially are “safe” ones even though you probably know the answer.
       Help them to feel that it is safe to talk to you.

            n Do you enjoy your job?
            n Are your friends helpful to you?
            n Are you comfortable talking about this?

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