Page 34 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 34

n Why will they beat a path to us rather than to our competitors?
    n What will we provide them with that the others cannot?
    n Who will we employ?
    n What will be their qualifications, attitudes, capabilities and

    n What will they say about us as an employer?
    n What will our customers say about us?
    n How will suppliers and distributors, if we have them, feel about

        being associated with us?
    n What will they tell others about us?
    n What will they tell us about our products and services?
    n How will the communities in which we operate respond to our

    n Why specifically will they welcome us as a model employer and

        good neighbour?
    n What will get me out of bed every morning bursting with the desire

        to get to work?
    n What will make others as passionate about this as I am?


  I Unless you are clear about where you are going you have no way
  I to assess how far you have come, how far you still have to go or
  I whether your ambition has been too modest. The Japanese have a
  I saying: “aim for a tree and you may only hit the ground, but aim
  I for the sky and at least you will hit the tree”. Building a picture of
  I your ideal future is the basis from which all else, vision, mission,
  I strategy, goals and tactics flow. Do not see this as an abstract
  I exercise in wishful thinking. Make your future a reality that you
  I can see, touch, hear, taste and even smell and you will enable
  I others to share your dream and work for its realization.

Step two – the start of the journey – where are
we now?


    n What are the important concerns that have to be resolved before
        we can succeed?

    n How specifically will each halt or stall our progress to my ideal

The big picture                                                             3
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