Page 35 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 35

n What is my evidence that they are really important barriers to

            n How exactly are important customers affected?
                – What complaints do we get from important customers?
                – How many complaints did we have last month?
                – What have we already done?
                – What is the evidence that we have already done all that is

            n In team discussions how can I ensure that my colleagues and I
                concentrate on the important concerns and set aside hidden
                agendas, old grievances, favourite gripes and the rest?
                – Who are the regular complainers?
                – What do they complain about?
                – Are their complaints justified?
                – How can I handle their justified concerns so that they will not
                    be raised again?
                – How can I pre-empt the old, meaningless war stories without
                    losing their goodwill?

            n Who is best qualified to resolve each of the key issues that are
                really important?

            n What is in it for them if they resolve them now?
            n Why haven’t they been resolved before now?
            n Who will share my passionate desire to deal with the key obstacles

                and only the key obstacles?
                – How can I organize them to work with me to ensure the best

            n How can I bring together the skills, knowledge and passion needed

                to remove the barriers?
            n What steps can I take today to start to resolve the key concerns?


      I Research shows that resolving concerns rarely adds significantly
      I to profits. Resolving those few key concerns that will actually
      I bar your progress toward achieving your ideal future is essential.
      I The above questions are designed to enable you to probe deeply
      I enough to be sure that the concerns that you choose to address
      I are those that are a significant barrier to getting where you want
      I to be.

4 Key management questions
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