Page 6 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 6


Introduction                                                 ix
you deserve state of the art

1 The big picture                                             1
    questions of vision and mission
    The big picture                                           2
    Step one – the ideal future – where I want us to be       3
    Step two – the start of the journey – where are we now?  11
    Step three – the vision thing                            13
    Step four – the mission                                  19

2 The best use of the best people                            25
    questions of people and purpose

The best use of the best people                              26

Life plan                                                    27

Making the best use of the best people                       34

How well must the jobholder perform? – job standards         38

What variations of the recruitment process have been successful? 38

Should we advertise – if so, where?                          40

Should we use recruitment specialists?                       41

Should we poach from a competitor?                           42

What is the job worth? – pay and conditions                  43

Can we save time screening applications?                     44

Psychometric tests                                           44

What questions should I ask? – final preparation for

recruitment interviewing                                     45

General guidelines for interviewing                          46

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