Page 77 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 77

n What kind of personality should a fellow team member have?
            n Which is more important, teamwork or individual skill?

                – Why?
            n What is more important, nerve or brain?

                – Why?
            n What training should a candidate have already had to hit the

                ground running?
                – Why?
            n If you were interviewing me for this job what would you ask me?
                – What answers would get me the job?
                – Why?

     General guidelines for interviewing

            n Stick to meaningful questions related to the job function and
                career prospects.

            n Avoid irrelevant or impertinent questions.
            n Experts on writing cv’s and resumés usually advise “keep it brief”,

                so probe those areas of the candidate’s cv that are important to the
                job function.
            n Ask questions that may reveal a person’s ethics, but try to avoid
                the well-worn, artificial questions to which any given answer is
                wrong. “Have you stopped beating your wife?” – tells you nothing
                in the real world.
            n Take notes after explaining to the candidate why it is important
                that you have an accurate record of your discussion.
            n Ask all candidates the same questions as far as possible so that you
                are comparing apples with apples.
            n Use open, but safe questions to have the candidate talk about what
                they think and feel.
            n Encourage openness with nods and signs of real interest.
            n Thank the candidate occasionally for providing the information.
            n Probe with more closed questions.
            n Put an end to waffling with straight “yes/no” questions if
            n Probe answers with “describe how?” questions.
            n Make sure that all the candidate’s questions are answered to their

46 Key management questions
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