Page 79 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 79

n How do you feel about travel?
            n Would you have any problems travelling out of town at short

            n Are there any limits on where you would be willing to re-locate if

                your career demanded it?

      To understand the candidate’s job experience

            n In a couple of words what would you say is/was the purpose of your
                current/last job?

            n What was the key output that you were expected to achieve?
            n Can you describe a typical day?
            n What did you do yesterday?
            n Of what accomplishments are you most proud?
            n How did you manage that?

      To understand the person

            n Can you just tell me about yourself?
            n How would your friends describe your personality?
            n What, if anything, causes you serious concern?
            n What gives you the greatest satisfaction in life?
            n Why have you chosen to work in this field?
            n What was your most exciting and useful earlier job?
            n Have you ever been fired?
            n Why?
            n What did you learn from the experience?
            n Will you please tell me about your last/current job?
            n What are/were the key outcomes?
            n What did you love about it?
            n What did you hate about it?
            n What kept you awake at nights? (I love this question. As a

                consultant the outpouring or denial that I get in return usually
                takes me right to the heart of the matter so that I can focus on
                what the client really feels is important rather than what was
                deemed to be an “acceptable” problem.)
            n What achievement makes you most proud?
            n Is/was the pressure great?

48 Key management questions
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