Page 16 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 16

Chapter 1

Free the Idea Monkey

“I have an idea!”

This simple phrase can set you on a course for either world domina-
tion or complete and utter failure. It turns out that having an idea is
easy. But making ideas happen is far trickier.

     This book was written for two reasons: I—a card-carrying Idea
Monkey myself—want to help you, the brainstorming, high-energy,
big idea person who feels the strongest when solving the world’s
biggest—and most miniscule—challenges. You are the one who I
fondly refer to as the “Idea Monkey.” And Idea Monkeys need to be
saved ... from themselves. It was also written for those people who
have the extremely challenging—and underappreciated—job of
managing them.

     We were all born Idea Monkeys, but most of us are no longer. For
that sad fact you can blame knowledge, fear, pragmatism, experi-
ence or whatever else you like. Rather than spend a whole bunch of
time pointing fingers, I’d rather spend the better part of this book
helping you rediscover the Idea Monkey within. But just in case you
think you don’t need help, take the simple quiz that follows.

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