Page 17 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 17

1. Can you generate at least 20 ways to create a flying hamster      Y  N
      inside of 30 seconds?                                           Y  N
                                                                      Y  N
 2. Do you build on others’ ideas to the point they tell you to take  Y  N
      a moment to inhale because you seem winded?                     Y  N
                                                                      Y  N
 3. Are you completely unconcerned that your next idea might          Y  N
      get you fired?                                                  Y  N

 4. Did an idea ever get you — or almost get you — fired?             Y  N
                                                                      Y  N
 5. Have you made a career out of advancing one great idea            Y  N
      after another?                                                  Y  N

 6. In school, did you spend a lot of time in detention because
      teachers thought your daydreaming was irrelevant?

 7. Are you convinced that if you were a kid today, you would
      be medicated?

 8. Did you have a nickname like Einstein, Curious George,
      Space Cadet, Dream Weaver or Mojo Moheto as a kid?
      (That last one was just to see if you were paying attention.)

 9. Did you take your stuff apart as a kid regardless of whether
      you believed you could actually put it back together?

10. Do you still stop today and look at leaves, bugs and blades
      of grass?

11. When you smell freshly cut grass, are you grateful for the
      sun and rain that helped it grow?

12. Have you made a business out of taking ideas other people
      just talk about and actually doing something with them?

     This test isn’t scientific. But if you answered
“yes” to at least five of the above, you
may just be an Idea Monkey. If you
answered “yes” to all of the above,
please let me know what prison you
are in so I can send you a nail file or
something useful.

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