Page 14 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 14

If you are an Idea Monkey, then you will learn how to use your
superhero powers for good, not evil. You will learn how to focus on
what matters, lead the people who need leading and have what oth-
ers consider to be better ideas.

     If you are the person who manages the Idea Monkey, you are the
(Ring)leader—the young lady working so hard on the cover of this
book. The book will make your life easier. You’ll learn how to moti-
vate and guide the Monkey to work with laser focus on the things
that matter the most. You’ll come away with an even bigger unfair
competitive advantage.

     In either case, you will be more productive and have more fun,
although perhaps not quite as much fun as Larry Walters did. (But
then again, you won’t be risking your life.)

Be Wonder-Full!

Mike Maddock
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