Page 27 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 27

     As I watch my children create characters in the front yard, it

occurs to me that Idea Monkeys have their own set of talents, beliefs
and practices that they naturally orchestrate while building the best
ideas. The list below describes some of the unique abilities that they
have. We’ll cover each in the chapters ahead so that not only can you
see exactly how they do it but learn how you can do it as well.

     They Have 10-D Vision. Idea Monkeys have the ability to see the
world through multiple lenses. Perspective is like wonder—you tend
to lose it with experience. Monkeys do the opposite. They actually
develop the ability—either through practice or empathy—to view
every situation through different lenses. In children, we call this
imagination. In adults, we call this rare.

     They Love Joyriding. When was the last time you looked for-
ward to going to work? Idea Monkeys do because they never miss the
opportunity to make even the most mundane task into an adventure.
See that person smiling in the meeting? He’s a Monkey.

     Failforwardness Is a Good Thing. “Whoops, that didn’t work,
did it?” This type of statement followed by a giant smile is an every-
day occurrence for an Idea Monkey. Failing is just part of the journey
and a step toward figuring things out. Edison was so famous for fail-
ing that it almost became a cliché. Do you fear failure, or have you
made it part of your everyday practice?

 12 F R E E T H E I D E A M O N K E Y
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