Page 30 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 30

They Will Take the Lead. You can either spend your time react-
ing to situations or shaping your environment. While Idea Monkeys
are incredibly nimble, they know the odds of success increase greatly
if they are the driver on the journey and not the passenger.

     By the end of this book, my goals are to make you feel comfort-
able freeing the Idea Monkey inside you; to show you how to best
channel your ideas and the ideas of your troops in order to increase
the odds of success; and to give you a playbook to consult as you
go forward to make sure you are getting the best work out of your
people and yourself.

     Let’s begin.

     As my eighth grade year was
winding down, Sister Nancy saw
me walking alone in the hall. She
stopped me and asked how things
were going. I told her all the different
things I was excited about—and it was a long list. As I was walk-
ing away she said, “Hey, I think you’re something special, George
Michael,” and gave me a wink. I smiled and winked back.

     I am grateful for Sister Nancy’s wisdom and intuition, and share
her second calling of making the world a safe place for the Idea
Monkey in all of us.

Go, Monkeys, go!

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