Page 42 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 42

Professional investors would   The Innovation Index
find companies that could ben-
efit from operational expertise     The list of firms that comprise the mutual
and put in their people to stream-  fund compose the 25 most innovative
line everything. The combination    companies, compiled by the aptly named
of great management and cost        Innovation Index Group, are updated once
cutting meant higher profits. But   a year. For every company that is added,
that strategy only works well if    another drops out.
you are hoping to sell the com-
pany you acquired as soon as you    Not surprisingly, this index traditionally
wring out every bit of excess you   outperforms the returns turned in by the
can find.                           S&P 500 in most years. Here is a sampling of
                                    companies on the current list:
     If you want to grow the firm,
you need a different strategy.      Amazon (AMZN)
Enter the Idea Monkey. Today,       Apple (AAPL)
many VCs are actively looking       BMW (BMW.GR)
for companies that have unique      Byd Co Ltd (1211.HK)
intellectual property that can be   Coca-Cola (KO)
deployed in new, profitable ways.   Fast Retailing (9983.JP)
Professional money is now hiring    Ford Motor Co (F)
chief marketing officers to invent  General Electric (GE)
new possibilities and launch        Google (GOOG)
new products and services based     Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)
on the newly acquired IP. Why?      Honda Motor Co (HMC)
Because they have learned that      Hyundai Motor Co (005380.KS)
is the way to make a lot more       IBM (IBM)
money. While the cost-cutting       Intel (INTC)
savings are a one-time thing, the   LG Electronics (066570.KS)
revenue created by Idea Monkeys     Microsoft (MSFT)
can continue for a very long time.  Nintendo (NTDOY)
                                    Nokia (NOK)
     Says Dustin Cohn, former       Procter & Gamble (PG)
director of marketing at Gatorade   Research in Motion (RIMM)
and now CMO of Optimer Brands,      Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)
a financial holding company:        Sony (SNE)
“We actively pursue inventive       Toyota Motor (TM)
marketers to help us reposition,    Volkswagen AG (VOW.GR)
                                    Walmart (WMT)

                                    Each company’s weight in the index is
                                    derived from a combination of two rankings.
                                    The first is a qualitative ranking based on the
                                    company’s position in the annual Bloomberg
                                    Businessweek/BCG survey. The second is
                                    a quantitative ranking based on three fac-
                                    tors used to estimate a company’s inno-
                                    vation — three-year earnings growth, three-
                                    year sales growth and R&D as a percentage
                                    of sales. A composite score is calculated
                                    for each company by adding the qualitative
                                    and quantitative scores. For details, go to

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