Page 45 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 45

Marc left the meeting with nine pages
of notes.

     Three months later, Marc
was negotiating the acquisition of
two companies while turning down
hefty purchase offers from a VC and
a competitor. He was predicting (cor-
rectly) a record year and was himself
again, brilliantly operating his growing company.

     The moral: Even if you are a brilliant operator, you need
the Monkey.

     In fact, there is no professional practice, no personality type and
no department that can’t be helped by the myriad of choices gener-
ated by great Idea Monkeys, which is another reason companies
that are leading innovators consistently find, place and grow Idea
Monkeys in every department. And it is almost always the Monkey
who pushes these departments and practices into fame through the
conceptualization and actualization of new ideas. Don’t believe me?

Financial skeptics, please look up Peter Drucker.
“Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and
increased constantly or it vanishes.” –Peter Drucker

IT skeptics, may I introduce you to Bill Gates?
“If I had some set idea of a finish line,
don’t you think I would have crossed it
years ago?” –Bill Gates

Marketing skeptics, I give you Alex Bogusky.
“Fear is the mortal enemy of innovation,
creativity and happiness.” –Alex Bogusky

Operational skeptics, please look into Henry Ford.
“Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes,
the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand,
the irresistable surge of will and energy to
execute your ideas.” –Henry Ford

Business model skeptics, check out Doris K. Christopher.
“We provide people with ways to be creative in
the kitchen by giving them simple, fast ideas and
the tools to accomplish them.” –Doris K. Christopher

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