Page 43 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 43

reinvent and reinvigorate companies that we acquire. Ten years ago,
my position didn’t even exist in this industry. Today it is critical to
our success.”

     I completely understand his point.
     At our company, we believe that innovation is the only real
source of ongoing competitive advantage. So this book could have
just as easily been titled, “How to become an innovation power-
house.” (But frankly, talking about monkeys is way more fun.)
     After delivering billions in new revenue through innovation, we
can tell you that we absolutely agree with the folks on Wall Street:
launching new products consistently is the domain of the Idea
Monkey. When it comes to innovation, it really is a jungle out there.
(Sorry. Will someone please get Mike Myers on the phone? We need
a real comedian.)
     So if you want to consistently dominate your industry, you need
to know how to innovate. More specifically, you need to be able to
release your inner Monkey and be an expert at managing the Monkeys
on your team to help them become better innovators.

      Warning: Monkeys love mixed metaphors
                (editors hate them)

     Later in this chapter, I am going to tell you about how my friend,

Marc, helped save my business. But first let me talk about how a
bunch of his friends helped save his, because it is the perfect exam-
ple of why even the most talented executives need Idea Monkeys
around them.

     A bit about Marc: He is a brilliant operator. He founded and
has grown a company that insures equipment—from nothing to
a multimillion-dollar, midsized business. He’s done it by selling
through numerous sales channels—builders, real estate agents, title

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