Page 129 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 129


         Where	to	Go	From	Here?

I	hope	you’ve	found	this	book	a	valuable	tool	for	thinking	about	your	startup.	If
you’ve	 had	 one	 idea	 while	 reading	 this	 book,	 or	 you’ve	 launched	 quicker	 than
you	would	have,	then	I	think	it’s	been	a	success.

I	 hope	 you	 can	 avoid	 making	 the	 same	 mistakes	 I’ve	 made	 and	 launch	 an
exciting	and	profitable	startup	the	first	time	around.

I’m	not	talking	about	a	business	that	has	you	“working	for	yourself.”	I’m	talking
about	 a	 business	 that	 serves	 as	 a	 vehicle	 for	 creation	 of	 something	 real	 and

Treat	 business	 advice	 with	 suspicion	 and	 test	 every	 assumption	 including	 your
own.	It’s	far	more	important	to	learn	from	your	customers.

Understand	 growth	 and	 understand	 how	 your	 business	 looks	 without	 you,	 but
don’t	be	afraid	to	get	your	hands	dirty.

Make	difficult	decisions	early	that	lead	to	more	growth	and	higher	value	later	on.
Look	out	for	sources	of	momentum	and	keep	doing	what’s	working.

Listen	to	your	customers	and	watch	what	they	do.

Operate	in	a	large	market	with	a	unique	point	of	difference	that	responds	to	your
customers’	 pain	 or	 pleasure	 points.	 It’s	 a	 big	 world,	 and	 if	 you	 are	 smart	 about
the	way	you	structure	your	offering,	there	is	unlimited	room	for	growth.

Make	 a	 great	 product,	 do	 one	 thing	 well,	 and	 learn	 to	 say	 “no.”	 It’s	 your
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