Page 127 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 127

13.	Focus	on	Product	

Running	 a	 business	 can	 be	 daunting.	 Every	 expert	 has	 a	 different	 opinion	 on
some	 “must	 have”	 technique	 or	 technology	 you	 need	 to	 be	 using.	 It’s	 hard	 to
know	where	to	spend	your	time,	money,	and	attention.

If	 you	 are	 in	 doubt,	 come	 back	 to	 the	 product.	 Anything	 you	 can	 do	 that
improves	 the	 product	 or	 improves	 the	 customer	 experience	 will	 be	 a	 sound

If	you	are	feeling	overwhelmed	with	all	of	the	things	you	need	to	do,	just	focus
on	how	to	make	your	product	slightly	better.

This	is	the	best	way	to	spend	your	time.
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