Page 164 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 164

148 Part III: Creating and Placing Ads

                                 Consider these advantages of television advertising:

                                    ߜ Abundant airtime: Between cable and broadcast TV, hundreds of ad
                                        slots are available hourly, even in the smallest media markets.

                                    ߜ Targeted audiences: You can schedule ads to reach viewers in certain
                                        geographic areas, during certain day parts or programs, or on networks
                                        that appeal to specific interests, such as MTV or ESPN.

                                    ߜ Image-enhancing: TV is considered the advertising major league. A well-
                                        produced ad transmits a prestige that goes beyond the message. Print
                                        advertisers use the phrase “as seen on TV” for a reason. Television ads
                                        build credibility and excitement for advertisers.

                                    ߜ Emotion-evoking: Television brings together sight, sound, special effects,
                                        color, and well-cast actors to create a sensual impact on viewers.

                                 Drawbacks of television advertising include the following:

                                    ߜ Professional ad creation required: This is show-and-tell at its best. You
                                        need to create an ad that illustrates your message while using the fewest
                                        possible words and only one or two selling points — while still managing
                                        to mention your name a few times and keeping the overall ad clear,
                                        entertaining, and memorable. Television advertising usually calls for an
                                        investment in professional assistance.

                                    ߜ Fragmented audiences: People have endless viewing choices. In addition
                                        to TV stations, they can turn their attention to rented movies, computer
                                        games, or the Internet, to name a few alternatives.

                                    ߜ Commercials galore: Heavy advertising makes TV a cluttered

                                    ߜ Low-cost ads stand out, unfortunately: Low-budget ads can look ama-
                                        teurish or sloppy when aired next to high-cost commercials.

                                    ߜ Complex buying time arrangements: Buying airtime is complicated and
                                        usually merits investment in a media planner or expert buyer.

Table 10-1                  Mass Media Comparisons

Media            Cost              Advertising          What This Medium
Vehicle          Realities         Considerations       Does Best

Newspapers       Inexpensive cost  Deadlines allow for  Good for announcing
reach a broad    per thousand      quick ad placement   sales and offers to
market within a  readers.          decisions.           adults within a geo-
specific geo-    Inexpensive ad                         graphic area on a
graphic area.    production.                            frequent basis.
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