Page 165 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 165
149Chapter 10: Mastering Advertising Basics and Media Planning
Media Cost Advertising What This Medium
Vehicle Realities Considerations Does Best
Magazines reach Advertisers pay Ad commitments Good for developing
target markets for access to are due months awareness, credibility,
that share highly targeted before publication and interest in com-
specific audience. date. Magazines plex or high-
characteristics Advertisers must remain in circulation investment products.
and interests. invest in quality for long periods
ad design and of time.
Directories reach Costs are based Ad commitments Good at establishing
prospects at the on number of are due months credibility, providing
time of their categories and before publication reason to choose one
purchasing ad size chosen date. Ads are in business over others,
decision. by advertiser. the market for a and reaching pros-
Production costs year with no chance pects when they’re
are minimal. for revision. ready to take action.
Outdoor Placement costs Prime locations Good at building name
Advertising are based on are reserved well awareness and prod-
reaches an traffic counts. in advance. Ad uct interest through a
audience within Requires commitments single-sentence
a geographic investment in usually span a message.
area on a sign design/ multi-month period.
repeated basis. production.
Radio reaches a Airtime is Repetition of ad is Good for building
defined local immediate interest
audience — if inexpensive and important. Last- and prompt responses
they’re tuned to newsy or urgent
in — with a negotiable, but minute decisions messages.
verbal message.
costs more during and short-term
peak listening schedules are
times. possible.
Television Reaching large Repetition of ads Good at engaging
is important. Local viewer emotions and
reaches a audiences is ads compete for empathy while
attention with top- explaining or demon-
defined expensive. Good quality national ads. strating products and
audience — if TV ads often building credibility.
they’re tuned involve signifi-
in — with visuals cant production
and sound. budgets.
The Making of a Media Schedule
The same advertising budget can be spent a number of different ways, depend-
ing on how you decide to balance three scheduling considerations: reach, fre-
quency, and timing.