Page 162 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 162

146 Part III: Creating and Placing Ads

                                    ߜ Long lead time: Directories require ad commitments far in advance of
                                        publication, and ad materials remain in the marketplace for at least a
                                        year with no ability to pull out or make alterations.

                                    ߜ Competing ads are grouped together: Directories make it easy for
                                        prospects to comparison shop, forcing advertisers to compete via ad
                                        size, use of color, and strength of marketing claim.

                          Outdoor and transit advertising

                                 Outdoor advertising is a love-it-or-hate-it reality that includes roadside bill-
                                 boards, bench signage, transit vehicle ads, and other means of putting ad
                                 messages into the great outdoors.

                                 Advantages of outdoor advertising include the following:

                                    ߜ Unavoidable and repetitious: Passersby can’t change channels when
                                        they see your sign. You have a captive audience that tends to travel the
                                        same route daily, allowing you to drill your message in via repetition or

                                    ߜ Geographically pinpointed: You know in advance exactly where your
                                        sign will sit, so you can make your message directional (for instance,
                                        “Take Next Exit”).

                                 Here are the drawbacks of outdoor advertising:

                                    ߜ A moving market: Unless the sign is at a stoplight or railroad crossing,
                                        people will read it at 35 miles per hour or more. Keep messages to seven
                                        words that can be grasped in a couple seconds. With transit signs, you
                                        have more time, but also a greater need to either entertain or inform.

                                    ߜ A diverse market: Many viewers may not be potential customers.

                                    ߜ Presentation difficult to control: Your ad is susceptible to vandalism,
                                        weather, and dirt, and the environment may not suit your brand image.

                                    ߜ Expense of high-traffic locations: Ads posted in locations where masses
                                        of people will see them cost more than ads placed on side roads and
                                        back alleys.

                                    ߜ Long lead time: Boards need to be reserved early, and most companies
                                        require multi-month commitments, making outdoor advertising a poor
                                        choice for short-term, time-sensitive announcements.


                                 Radio advertising offers these advantages:

                                    ߜ Rate flexibility: You can bargain, barter, and ask for bonus spots.
                                        An unsold radio ad slot represents foregone revenue that can’t be
                                        recaptured — like an unoccupied hotel room — so radio sales reps
                                        are usually willing to wheel and deal.
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