Page 157 - Duct Tape Marketing
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141Chapter 10: Mastering Advertising Basics and Media Planning

                  ߜ Know your objective and stay on strategy.
                  ߜ Be honest.
                  ߜ Be specific.
                  ߜ Be original.
                  ߜ Be clear and concise.
                  ߜ Don’t overpromise or exaggerate.
                  ߜ Don’t be self-centered or, worse, arrogant.
                  ߜ Don’t hard-sell.
                  ߜ Don’t insult, discriminate, or offend.
                  ߜ Don’t turn the task of ad creation over to a committee.

                      Committees round the edges off strong ideas. They eliminate any nuance
                      that any member finds questionable and crowd ads with details that
                      matter more to the marketers than to the market. An old cartoon popular
                      in ad agencies is captioned, “A camel is a horse designed by committee.”

Capturing Prospects with a Media Plan

                It’s a harsh reality that many prospects disappear on the route between your
                advertising and your cash register (for proof, see Chapter 17). But with a
                strong media plan, you can increase the number of prospects you bring into
                your sphere of influence — and almost as an automatic result you’ll increase
                your number of new customers as well.

                Make media decisions based on answers to these four questions:

                  ߜ What do you want your ad to accomplish?
                      If you want to develop general awareness and interest, use media that
                      reach a broad and general market. On the far end of the spectrum, if you
                      want to talk one-to-one with those who have expressed interest in your
                      product, you’ll want to bypass mass media in favor of direct mail or
                      other one-to-one communications (see Chapter 13).

                  ߜ Who and where are the people you want to reach?
                      When it comes to advertising, trying to be all-inclusive is a bankrupting
                      proposition. The more precisely you can define your prospect (see
                      Chapter 2), the more precisely you can choose your media vehicles.
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