Page 228 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 228

212 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

      Producing and Using Marketing

                                 People who aren’t professional marketers consider collateral to be something
                                 you pledge when you’re trying to get a bank loan. To marketers, though, col-
                                 lateral means brochures, fliers, fact sheets, sales folders, posters, and all the
                                 other forms of printed material that carry your logo, message, and reputation
                                 into the marketplace.

               When, why, and how to produce brochures

                                 Designers make a handsome living off all the small business marketers who
                                 say that they need a brochure but can’t say why they need one. To many
                                 small business owners, getting a brochure is like getting a Web site. They
                                 think they need one because everyone else has one. But here are five more
                                 sensible ways to decide.

                                 You need a brochure if

                                    ߜ Your prospects aren’t easy to contact in person or by phone but would
                                        likely respond to literature about your business.

                                    ߜ Your business would benefit from a printed piece that could be sent
                                        ahead of sales presentations to pave the way for your visit, or left after-
                                        wards to reiterate key points.

                                    ߜ You’re trying to communicate with individuals who aren’t easily or
                                        affordably reached by mass media but who are likely to pick up litera-
                                        ture at information kiosks or other distribution points.

                                    ߜ Your service or product is complicated and involves details that your
                                        prospects need to study in order to make informed decisions.

                                    ߜ The price of your product is high enough or the emotional involvement
                                        is such that prospects will consult with others before making the deci-
                                        sion, in which case they will benefit (as you will, too) from a brochure
                                        that conveys your message in your absence when your prospects con-
                                        sult with advisers, associates, or spouses.

                                 Before you decide to produce a brochure or any other form of sales litera-
                                 ture, see that you can answer yes to these questions:
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