Page 229 - Duct Tape Marketing
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213Chapter 14: Brochures, Promotions, Trade Shows, and More

  ߜ Do you have an adequate budget? Can you allocate enough money to
      create a brochure that makes a favorable impression for your business?

  ߜ Will the brochure strengthen your image? Can you commit to design-
      ing and writing a brochure that enhances your company’s image?

  ߜ Do you have a distribution plan? Do you know how you will use the
      brochure? The literature will do no good sitting in a back closet.

Types of sales literature

Sales literature runs the gamut from elaborate folders filled with sets of
matching fact sheets to laser-printed cards that sit on countertops or in Take
one racks. The following sections help you sort through the opportunities:

Capabilities brochure
A capabilities brochure is an “about our business” piece that tells your story,
conveys your business personality, and differentiates your offerings from
those of your competitors. Especially if you’re marketing a professional ser-
vice business (such as a law or accounting firm, a financial services firm, or
some other consulting business) or a business that offers high-emotion prod-
ucts (such as a homebuilder), this type of brochure is a marketing necessity.

Capability brochures are among the most expensive kinds of brochures to pro-
duce, so give yours a “keeper” quality. A financial planner might include a net
worth asset worksheet, or a homebuilder might include a checklist for how to
get the most value out of a homebuilding budget. The goal is to include some
reason for prospects to hold onto and refer back to the piece.

Product brochure
A product brochure is a piece that describes a specific offering of your busi-
ness. This kind of brochure is important when marketing products that
require more than spur-of-the-moment consideration, such as high-ticket
products, products purchased with input from more than one person, and
products that involve cost and technical comparisons before a buying deci-
sion takes place.

Modular literature
Modular literature involves a number of sheets or brochures that all use the
same or a complementary design. This format allows you to assemble a qual-
ity package of easily updated sheets that can be mixed and matched inside
the folder or handed out individually, depending on the impression you wish
to make on your prospect.
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