Page 284 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 284

268 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

               Building links to your site

                                 Google especially relies on links from other high-traffic sites when it assesses
                                 the relevance of your site. By submitting your site to search engines and
                                 directories, you begin to establish links. Beyond that, consider exchanging
                                 links with other compatible businesses. Also, write articles for online publica-
                                 tion to get your site address into circulation.

                          Establishing link exchanges

                                 Exchanging links with compatible sites builds visibility for your site and leads
                                 to increased traffic. Consider taking these steps:

                                    ߜ Locate sites that you think would interest your site visitors and whose
                                        visitors would also benefit from information on your site. Ideally, these
                                        sites already include links to other sites, therefore demonstrating inter-
                                        est in building reciprocal site visits.

                                    ߜ E-mail Webmasters at each site. Explain that you would like to include
                                        links to their URLs on your site and that you would appreciate reciprocal
                                        links. Provide your URL and information on linking to your site, includ-
                                        ing a description of the information visitors will receive upon landing,
                                        and how that information is mutually beneficial.

                                 Also check into link exchange organizations within your industry or interest
                                 area. Search link exchanges through a search engine for ideas.

                          Publishing articles online

                                 To publish online, start by referring to the section on generating publicity in
                                 Chapter 15. Then create a list of Web sites that your prospective customers
                                 might frequent and where you might be able to place in-depth, newsy articles.

                                 A florist might write an article full of wedding planning advice for bridal Web
                                 sites. To get it published, the florist needs to follow these steps:

                                    ߜ Contact the Web site to obtain the name of the editor.

                                    ߜ Send an e-mail query. Provide a backgrounder on your expertise and a
                                        list of topics that you believe would be relevant to site readers — and
                                        why. Offer to submit articles for free in exchange for links to your site.

                                 Also, submit articles to ezines, newsletters and magazines that are delivered
                                 via e-mail to subscribers. Go to for a list of ezines
                                 including editorial contacts.
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