Page 279 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 279

263Chapter 16: Tapping the Internet’s Marketing Power

                 ߜ Get creative and come up with a name that describes your business
                     offerings. For example, the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau site

                 ߜ Try to purchase your first-choice name from the existing owner, but
                     understand that this process is typically expensive and time-consuming.

               A good place to begin your domain name search is Network Solutions (www.
      This site (see Figure 16-3) can tell you

                 ߜ Information about how domain names work and how to choose one
                 ߜ What domain names are already registered
                 ߜ How to register your name
               Expect to pay $25 to $75 to register a domain name for a standard three-year
               period. Be prepared to renew when the registration period is up. If you forget,
               someone else can purchase your domain name. For a complete list of domain
               name registrars, go to

Figure 16-3:
  Let’s see?
      Is this
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