Page 275 - Duct Tape Marketing
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259Chapter 16: Tapping the Internet’s Marketing Power

      your graphics and use compression software to save time. Or economize
      by changing the quality level or file type.
  ߜ Accessibility: Hire someone who really knows computers to test your
      site, including how it works with all the major Web browsers.

Table 16-1 offers advice to follow and mistakes to avoid.

Table 16-1                       Site Design Considerations

Do Don’t

Do consider that your online           Don’t assume that customers who need
customer may need personal             personal assistance will be satisfied to
assistance when you aren’t             wait until your business is open and
available to offer it. Include         someone is available to receive a phone
contact information and promise        call.
a prompt reply.

Do treat your Web site like all other  Don’t launch with site pages labeled Under
marketing materials. Launch it         construction — just as you wouldn’t print a
when it is ready and not a second      brochure with parts headlined This part
before.                                wasn’t done when the presses rolled.

Do protect ownership of your site.     Don’t make assumptions about site owner-
Add a copyright notice followed by     ship. The U.S. Copyright Office permits
the year at the bottom of your home    registration of graphic and text elements. If
page, for example, ©2005, Your         you use an outside site developer, be sure
Business Name.                         you retain the copyright.

Do be moderate with your use of        Don’t overlook factors that slow download:
graphics. Design your site so that     size of your site and graphics, computer
someone with a dial-up modem           that your site is hosted on, speed of the
can download each page within          host’s connection to the Internet.
five to seven seconds.

Do visit sites such as www.            Don’t steal content from other sites. Seek and www.                     permission from the site owner or author to keep up               before using material you see online.
with Web design principles
and technologies.

Do keep your site clear, clean,        Don’t use your organization chart as your
usable, and easy to navigate.          navigation plan.
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