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254 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

Blogging 101

Blogs, short for Web logs, are online chronicles      frequently and arranged chronologically
of news, ideas, facts, and opinions. They are         with newest items listed first and most
part editorial, part journal, and part dialogue.      prominently.
Easy-to-use blogging software became avail-
able in 1999 and millions of blogs have been      ߜ They advance a distinct point of view or
launched since, most by individuals, but a grow-      focus on a particular interest area.
ing number by businesses who use them to
share expertise and information with col-         ߜ They use RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
leagues, suppliers, customers, and employees.         or other file formats that allow one blog to
                                                      distribute and share posted items with
The topics of blogs vary widely, but all share        others, allowing third-party Web sites to
common elements:                                      post excerpts along with a link back to the
                                                      originating site.
ߜ They are graphically simple sites full of
    short entries or posts that are updated

Before launching a blog, be sure you can commit to keeping content fresh by
updating it daily or at least weekly, that you are set up to receive and respond
to reader feedback, and that you are prepared to promote your blog through
ongoing marketing efforts and by registering it with blog directories.

For a good overview on blogging basics, visit the Technorati Web site at

For free step-by-step set-up assistance and instructions, visit the Google-
owned Blogger Web site at

Building your site

Chapter 9 includes a section on “Hiring Help for Web Site Design.” Unless
you’re a computer designer, turn to the pros for assistance in building a
custom site for your business. This approach will cost you time and funds —
that’s the downside. The upside is that you’ll end up with a site that conveys
your unique brand image, with a viewing and navigation system precisely tai-
lored to your unique business offering, all built on a platform that can grow
with your business. Look in the Yellow Pages under Internet Web Site
Development for names of consultants and site-building specialists.
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