Page 307 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 307

291Chapter 18: Enhancing Customer Service

  ߜ Step 6: Deliver the product, reaffirm the buying decision, offer to be of
      ongoing service, and invite future business.

  ߜ Step 7: Monitor customer satisfaction and troubleshoot any issues that
      cause customer concern.

  ߜ Step 8: Follow up after the sale, completing these important three

           • Assess service satisfaction. Ask the customer: How was your experi-
              ence? If the answer is less than positive, request ideas for improve-
              ment, avoiding questions that require yes and no answers in favor
              of open-ended input. If the customer reveals reasons for discontent,
              address the concern immediately, following the suggestions in the
              upcoming section on “Handling complaints.”

           • Confirm complete satisfaction. Ask outright: Were you completely
              satisfied? If the answer is no, learn more and work to move the cus-
              tomer into the “completely satisfied” category. You will increase
              your chances for repeat business and positive word-of-mouth as a

           • Ask for future business. Once you have confirmed complete satis-
              faction, don’t miss the opportunity to cultivate the customer’s
              repeat business. Issue an invitation to join a frequent buyer or
              other customer program (see Chapter 19), share information on
              upcoming special offers, and in all cases provide a business card
              along with the sincere offer to assist with any future needs.

Improving your service

Products lead to sales, but service leads to loyalty. To improve your service,
consider the following:

  ߜ Make a service guarantee. Assure customers that promises will be met
      or exceeded. Make the guarantee straightforward and liberal (no small
      print), relevant and substantial (worth the effort it takes to request it),
      available immediately (no management approvals required), and easy to

  ߜ Notice and immediately overcome dissatisfaction. Compensate dissat-
      isfied customers on the spot by offering upgrades, discounts, or premi-
      ums when something goes wrong. Don’t wait for a complaint. Most
      people never register dissatisfaction verbally. Instead, they quietly slip
      out the door once and for all, perhaps politely saying thanks as they exit
      your business for the final time. See the section on “Reading unstated
      customer clues to dissatisfaction” later in this chapter.
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