Page 310 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 310

294 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers                                      Look for common traits in
                                                                               each customer group.
                             Table 18-3 (continued)                            Evaluate the chances of
                                                                               pleasing each customer and
                                     6. Which customers are most satisfied,    weight efforts accordingly.
                                     most dissatisfied, having most problems,
                                     and so on?                                Know what you’re doing right
                                                                               and telegraph your strengths
                                     7. What do our most satisfied customers   in marketing communications.
                                     appreciate about our offerings?

8. What are we doing to reward, thank, and                                     Initiate loyalty programs that
reinforce our most satisfied customers?                                        deliver customized and unex-
                                                                               pected gestures of thanks
9. What are the most frequent requests or                                      while steering clear of any-
complaints that we receive?                                                    thing that looks routine, pro-
                                                                               motional, or like a bribe.

                                                                               Requests point to opportuni-
                                                                               ties; complaints point to prob-
                                                                               lems. Act on both.

10. What can we do to address customer                                         Define up to five actions you’ll
requests or to reduce concerns we’re                                           take over upcoming months.
hearing about our business?                                                    Assign responsibility for imple-
                                                                               mentation. Monitor progress.

Cultivating “best customers”

Every person who buys from your business is an important asset deserving
of your total courtesy and best service.

But as you tailor unique solutions and extend special services for customers,
it’s important to direct the extra investment toward the kind of customer that
is likely to become a loyal, repeat client and speak well on your company’s
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