Page 315 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 315

299Chapter 18: Enhancing Customer Service

That means small business owners need to watch for unstated clues to dis-
satisfaction, including the following:

  ߜ Listen when they share compliments about other suppliers.
  ߜ Take note when they reminisce about how things used to be.
  ߜ Especially be aware if compliments they used to offer quit coming.

Hidden in your customers’ comments may be concerns or complaints about
your business, so listen carefully.

Handling complaints

Treat complaints like concerns. When a customer is dissatisfied, stop what-
ever else you’re doing and give your full attention, following these steps:

1. Listen to the problem.

  ߜ Let the customer rant, preferably out of earshot of others.
  ߜ Don’t argue. Don’t make excuses or blame others.
  ߜ Don’t make the problem seem routine by pulling out a form to complete.
  ߜ Empathize. Paraphrase the problem and offer to help.
  ߜ If your company is at fault, apologize. If you’re not sure, give the cus-

      tomer the benefit of the doubt, within reason. Protect the relationship,
      the possibility of future business, and the chance for future positive
2. Take action.

  ߜ Offer options to allow the customer some control over the outcome.
  ߜ Say what you can do, not what you can’t do. Opt for I’ll see that the refund

      is ready by 10 a.m. tomorrow rather than We can’t cut a check today.
  ߜ If your product or company is at fault, a refund or replacement isn’t

      enough. Provide a no-strings-attached add-on that delivers value with
      no additional spending requirement.
  ߜ Refunds or exchanges may fix the problem, but only personal service
      will repair a relationship.
3. Follow up.

Call the customer to see that the problem was adequately resolved to the
customer’s complete satisfaction.
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