Page 316 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 316

300 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers

                                    ߜ Ask if the customer is completely satisfied with the outcome and
                                        whether there is anything else you may do to help further.

                                    ߜ Thank the customer for voicing concern and letting your company make
                                        things right.

                                 4. Fix your business. Revamp systems if necessary. Ask:

                                    ߜ Is this the first complaint of its kind or one of many?
                                    ߜ Did we oversell the product?
                                    ߜ Can we eliminate this fault?
                                    ߜ Did we address the customer concern promptly and well?

                          Turn complaints into loyalty springboards

                                 Dissatisfied customers complain to dozens of friends and post disparaging
                                 messages that reach thousands of others online, but you’ll find it comforting
                                 to know that a complaint well handled repairs itself, circumvents potential
                                 damage, and results in an even stronger customer relationship.

                                 McKinsey & Company has conducted research showing that when a com-
                                 plaint is resolved, more than half of initially dissatisfied customers will buy
                                 again, and when it is resolved rapidly, the number rises to 80 percent.

                                 Best of all, if you resolve a complaint on the spot, the chance of keeping the
                                 customer’s business — even inspiring the customer’s loyalty — soars above
                                 90 percent.

      Developing Positive Word-of-Mouth

                                 It may not be fair, but bad news travels faster than good news.

                                 Someone who is dissatisfied with your business will share the tale of woe
                                 with three times more people than a person will who is highly satisfied with
                                 your offerings.

                                 Stack the odds in your favor by handling every customer exchange with a
                                 view as to how that person will describe the encounter to a friend.

                                 Show care, competence, and concern; anticipate and exceed expectations;
                                 provide great service; and send each customer away from your business with
                                 only good words to share with others.
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