Page 306 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 306

290 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers

Table 18-1                   Examples of Services and Service

Services                                   Service

Customer parking                           Clean, well-signed area with the most con-
                                           venient spaces reserved for customers

Public restrooms                           Immaculate and well-equipped area

Complimentary refreshments                 Fresh, unique offerings provided in a clean,
                                           accessible, inviting setting

Children’s play area, spouse sitting Convenient and inviting areas supplied with

area, customer waiting area                interesting, enjoyable entertainment

Delivery service                           Well-identified, friendly, and reliable

The Service Cycle

                Customer service involves a cycle of activities that starts before the sales
                presentation and continues well past the time the purchase is complete. See
                that your business has a plan for each of these steps:

                  ߜ Step 1: Establish contact with a prompt, friendly greeting. Whether the
                      prospect arrives via e-mail, phone, mail, or in person, your first response
                      establishes an impression upon which all other contacts build.

                  ߜ Step 2: Build rapport. A marketing truth goes like this: People don’t buy
                      because you make them understand. They buy because they feel under-
                      stood. They also buy from people they like and feel they know. In the first
                      few minutes with your prospect, establish a friendly relationship.

                  ߜ Step 3: Present your product. See Chapter 17 for ideas on how to pre-
                      sent your product as a high-value solution to your customer’s needs.

                  ߜ Step 4: Make the sale following advice for reading buying signals and
                      closing the deal in Chapter 17.

                  ߜ Step 5: Complete the sales transaction, making the process of payment
                      completely efficient, a reinforcement of your company service, and a
                      confirmation of the customer’s decision to buy from your business. This
                      is not the time to conduct lengthy customer research or to make promo-
                      tional pitches for additional products. If you introduce options at this
                      point, be sure they are clear and easy to explain, and that they con-
                      tribute to the value and satisfaction the customer will receive from the
                      product being purchased. Don’t complicate the moment of payment or
                      you’ll risk losing the sale.
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