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285Chapter 17: Making the Sale

Pre-empt objections

People raise objections as a delay tactic, as a means to gather information to
pass along to decision influencers, and as a way to accumulate facts to justify
the buying decision. Often, objections are questions in disguise. Encourage
them, because if the prospect is asking questions, he’s engaged in the process.

Get the conversation going by presenting objections on your prospect’s behalf,
saying something like, Nearly all our customers asked the same few questions
before buying, so let me share a few quick facts. . . .

When the prospect follows with his or her own questions or concerns, vali-
date input by saying things like, That’s an important point. . . .

Probe to learn more, paraphrase to show you understand, and then present a
positive response, as described in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2                   Responding to Prospect Objections

Objection                    Positive Response

Lack of belief or trust in   Share testimonials.
your business

Preference for a competitor  Never badmouth. Instead present unique
                             added-values included with your offering
                             and show how the prospect will receive
                             greater benefit and cost-effectiveness from
                             your business.

Concern over cost            Present pricing options, volume discounts,
                             payment terms, or other incentives to
                             address the concern. Then move quickly
                             from emphasis on cost expended to empha-
                             sis on value received, including warranties,
                             service, reliability, convenience, and quality.

As long as you dwell on price, you’re letting the conversation focus on what’s
in it for you. Shift the focus to a discussion about value to move the conver-
sation to a discussion of what’s in it for your prospect.

Closing the Deal

                There’s a moment that many salespeople miss, and that’s the moment when
                the seller needs to quit selling and give the prospect a chance to buy. Instead,
                too many salespeople keep talking. They unconsciously undo the sale by
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