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281Chapter 17: Making the Sale

      a meeting with a higher-level decision maker, to arrange a demonstration,
      or to take some other step to move the process toward its final step. Be
      aware that if your product involves significant cost and deliberation, it
      may take half a dozen tries before you achieve the sale.

  ߜ Know how to dress for success. The general rule is to project your own
      business image well (see Chapter 6) while dressing at least as formally
      as those to whom you’ll be presenting.

Establishing contact

Closing a sale begins with opening a relationship, and the first step involves
meeting your prospect either in person or via phone, mail, or e-mail.

Welcoming walk-in prospects

Here’s an amazing fact: Even in the retail environment, fewer than half of all
people who enter the door make a purchase. The percentage is higher (way
higher) in supermarkets and convenience stores, and far lower in exclusive
boutiques and galleries. But across the board, the conversion rate — the
number of prospects who become buyers — is ripe for improvement.

Calculate your conversion rate by inconspicuously counting the number of
people who enter your business and the number who walk out with shopping
bags or other purchase indicators. Divide the former number by the latter one
to benchmark your current situation. And then set a goal for improvement.

The fastest route to sending retail conversions on an uphill climb is to
increase the number of prospects who have staff contact. It sounds too
simple to be true, but retail scientists (there are such things) have validated
the fact. They’ve also proven that staff contact increases the time a prospect
spends in a retail setting, which directly affects spending levels.

Follow these tips:

  ߜ Use displays and personal contact to intercept shoppers upon arrival.

  ߜ Offer a shopping basket, explain a current special offer, or give a quick
      store orientation to increase involvement.

  ߜ Enhance comfort by pointing out refreshment and sitting areas, play
      areas for children, and fitting rooms for shoppers.

  ߜ When you see signs of prospect uncertainty, step in to reinforce deci-
      sions, suggest complementary items or alternative choices, or make
      other suggestions to both facilitate and increase the sale.

  ߜ Don’t prejudge prospects. Watch, listen, and respond to prospect cues
      rather than letting first impressions limit your sales expectations.
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