Page 292 - Duct Tape Marketing
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276 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers

      Converting Prospects to Customers

                                 Much as you want each ad to serve as a magic wand that causes the cash reg-
                                 ister to ring, the reality is a little more practical.

                                 The truth is that people become customers over time and usually only after
                                 seeing multiple ads, promotions, and personal presentations.

                                 First they need to gain awareness of who you are and why to trust your busi-
                                 ness. Then they need to hear things about your product that pique their
                                 interest. After that, they need to be presented with a deal capable of inspiring
                                 action. And finally, they need to be asked for the order in a way that prompts
                                 them to actually make the purchase.

                                 Figure 17-1 shows the steps that prospects take as they move from awareness
                                 to the cash register. In rare instances, the awareness-to-sale scenario happens
                                 with a single communication — sometimes infomercials or direct mailers lead
                                 prospects through all the steps in one fell swoop.

                                 Be aware, though, that single-communication, on-the-spot selling usually
                                 occurs only with certain kinds of high-appeal, low-cost, low-involvement,
                                 and low-risk products.

Figure 17-1:     Make first      Develop     Create trust    Prompt   SALE!
        How     impression,      prospect    and desire to     the
                 gain initial   interest in  purchase or
 marketing      awareness      your product  get more info  purchase
moves your
               AWARENESS        INTEREST       DESIRE       DECISION

       to the

      to buy.

               Moving prospects to the buying decision

               Plan your marketing communications to move prospects through the steps
               illustrated in Figure 17-1 and described in this list:

                 ߜ First, gain positive awareness. Introduce your business and build a
                     good reputation by using advertising, mailers, publicity, networking, and
                     presentations to reach prospects and those who influence your
                     prospects’ decisions.
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