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279Chapter 17: Making the Sale

Winning at Sales

                The cost of your marketing program is the price you pay to play in the busi-
                ness arena, and the sale is your first point of investment return. Weigh your
                efforts well and you’ll end up with a trifecta payoff.

                  ߜ Make the sale and you’ll win a new customer and immediate revenue.
                  ߜ Exceed the customer’s value expectations and you’ll reap repeat pur-

                      chases — each at a fraction of the cost of recruiting a new customer.

                  ߜ Develop loyalty and you’ll achieve word-of-mouth leading to prospect
                      referrals, starting your chance at the three-way payoff all over again.

                Figure 17-2 illustrates a marketing cyclotron within the marketing process —
                a circle within the marketing cycle where sales and service efforts intensify
                to convert prospects to customers, customers to loyalists, and loyalists to
                ambassadors who recruit new prospects to your business.

                That’s how to leverage your marketing investment!

                                             CUSTOMER, PRODUCT
                                          & COMPETITIVE RESEARCH

                     CUSTOMER                                         PRODUCT
                      SERVICE                                      DEVELOPMENT

                     SALE SE  RVICE SALE                                    PRICING

                              THE         SERVICE                  LABELS &
Figure 17-2:                  MARKETING                 THE
   Intensify                  CYCLOTRON            MARKETING

sales and     SALES           REFERRAL              PROCESS
efforts to


customers,      ADVERTISING,
win repeat     PROMOTIONS &
  business,   PUBLIC RELATIONS

and gain

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