Page 298 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 298

282 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers

                          Warming up cold calls

                                 Those who make them and those who receive them seem to share an equal
                                 aversion to cold calls. Prepare for a warmer reception by turning your next
                                 cold call into a referral call or a networking follow-up.

                                 Try breaking the ice by mentioning a previous encounter with the prospect (I
                                 appreciated the ideas you shared when I met you at the Chamber after-hours
                                 event last Thursday. . . .).

                                 Or open the door via a referral from a mutual acquaintance, as shown in the
                                 sample script in Figure 17-3.

                                 As an alternative, try making a research call or visit before initiating prospect
                                 contact. Explain to the person who answers the phone or greets your arrival
                                 who you are, that you’re just collecting information for future use, and that
                                 you’d like to learn the name of the person who handles purchases of whatever
                                 kind of product you’re selling. Collect the information, along with the name of
                                 the person you’re talking with. Then when you contact your prospect you can
                                 approach the call as a referral: Bob Jones shared your name when I visited your
                                 office last week. . . .

                                 Each time you initiate contact by telephone (or for that matter, via e-mail or
                                 in person), know your goal and stick with it. Most likely you’re calling to ask
                                 for an appointment, not to make a sale.

                                 Keep your aim in mind and don’t derail the effort by launching into a product
                                 pitch. Keep the call short. Be friendly and professional. Make your message
                                 clear. And keep calling until you get through — not just to voice mail but to
                                 your actual prospect.

 Figure 17-3:   SAMPLE PHONE SCRIPT: Mr. Smith, this is Jan         Use of
      Using a   Jones with Neighborhood Bank. Jim Brown of          Reference
      referral  Brown & Black Accounting is a customer, and he
    warms a     suggested we meet.                                    Convey
    cold call                                                         Customer
                Perhaps he’s already shared my name with you.         Benefit
  and paves     We’ve just introduced a comprehensive business
     the way    banking package that lets you earn interest while   Assumptive
        for an  receiving a wide range of benefits and services.    Approach

appointment     I’d like to set a 20-minute meeting to explain the
     request.   offering. Would later this week work for you...
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