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333Chapter 22: Ten Steps to a Great Marketing Plan

                size), and psychographics (how your customers live including their attitudes,
                behavioral patterns, beliefs, and values). See Chapter 2 for assistance. By
                defining your market and knowing your customer profile, you can

                  ߜ Develop marketing tactics that appeal to your target market.
                  ߜ Create advertising messages that align with the unique interests and

                      emotions of existing and prospective customers.
                  ߜ Select effective communication vehicles.
                  ߜ Weigh media sales pitches based on the ability of proposed advertising

                      packages to reach those who match your customer profile — accepting
                      opportunities with confidence or rejecting them quickly if they don’t
                      provide a cost-effective way to reach your clearly defined target market.

Step 5: Advance Your Position,
Brand, and Creative Strategy

                Your marketing plan should state your company’s position and brand state-
                ments, along with the creative strategy you will follow to ensure that all mar-
                keting efforts implemented over the marketing plan period will advance a
                single, unified image for your company. Here are some definitions to help you
                with this step:

                  ߜ Your brand is the set of characteristics, attributes, and implied promises
                      that people remember and trust to be true about your business.

                  ߜ Your position is the available and meaningful niche that your business —
                      and only your business — can fill in your target consumer’s mind.

                  ߜ Your creative strategy is the formula you will follow to uphold your brand
                      and position in all your marketing communications.

                See Chapter 7 for information, examples, and step-by-step advice for creating
                your brand, positioning, and creative strategy statements.

Step 6: Set Your Marketing Strategies

                The next component in your marketing plan details the strategies you will
                follow, including the strategies for each of the following:

                  ߜ Product strategies: How will you use your products to develop cus-
                      tomers and sales? Will you be introducing new products or revising
                      existing products over the marketing period? Will you shift emphasis
                      to a certain product or package of products?
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