Page 58 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 58

42 Part I: Getting Started in Marketing

                                  ߜ Don’t let your offer get too complex.
                                  ߜ Don’t be misleading.
                                  ߜ Do present prices so they look visually attractive and straightforward.
                                  ߜ Do make the price compelling. In today’s world of outlet malls, online

                                      bargains, and warehouse stores, “10 percent off” isn’t considered an
                                      offer at all.
                                  ߜ Do support your pricing announcements with positive reasons and
                                      added benefits. Price alone is never reason enough to buy.

Table 3-3                   Pricing Presentation Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t                       Do Why

We’ve just cut our nightly  Announcing a new          The second approach
rates — $89 mid-week.       St. Louis number to       makes the deal sound
Some restrictions apply.    remember — $89 per        noteworthy, whereas
                            night                     the first approach
                                                      provides no positive
                                                      rationale and implies
                                                      that “small print

Sofa and Loveseat           Sofa and Loveseat $1,995  When prices are more
$1,995.00                                             than $100, drop the
                                                      decimal point and
                                                      zeroes to lighten the

25% off two or more         1/2 off second pair       Complicated discounts
                                                      are uninspiring, plus
                                                      “1/2 off” sounds like
                                                      double the discount of
                                                      25% off when you buy

30% off                     Regularly $995; now       1/3 off sounds more
                            $695 while supplies       compelling than 30%
                            last                      off; but showing a
                                                      $300 reduction is
                                                      stronger yet. “While
                                                      supplies last” ads
                                                      incentive and
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