Page 59 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 59

43Chapter 3: Seeing Your Product through Your Customers’ Eyes

Don’t                  Do                      Why
$6.99 each             $13.99 — Buy One, Get
                       One Free                Sometimes a low
$14.95 plus shipping/                          price conveys low
handling               $17.95. We pick up all  value. Consider dou-
                       shipping and handling   bling the price but
State and local taxes                          making a powerful
extra                  State and local taxes   two-for-one limited-
                       apply                   time offer.

                                               The word “plus”
                                               alerts the consumer
                                               that the price is only
                                               the beginning.
                                               Calculate and include
                                               shipping and handling
                                               to remove buyer con-
                                               cern and possible

                                               “Extra” goes into the
                                               same category as
                                               “plus” when it comes
                                               to pricing.

The Care and Feeding of Your
Product Line

                There are two ways to increase sales:

                   1. Sell more to existing customers.
                   2. Attract new customers.

                Figure 3-2 presents questions to ask as you seek to build business from new
                and existing customers through new and existing products.
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