Page 64 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 64

48 Part I: Getting Started in Marketing

                                  ߜ Can you make and market it? Do you have the people and cash
                                      resources to back it? Can you get it to market? Is it easily feasible for

                                  ߜ Can you find a unique niche in the marketplace for it? The topic of
                                      positioning and branding products is a chapter unto itself, so turn to
                                      Chapter 7 for more information.

                               As you study new product ideas, beware of the following:

                                  ߜ Features that don’t inspire your customer
                                  ߜ Features that don’t deliver clear customer benefit
                                  ߜ Product enhancements that don’t add significant product value
                                  ߜ “New” products that are really old products in some newfangled disguise

                                      that means nothing to customers
                                  ߜ Products that don’t fit within your expertise and reputation
                                  ߜ Products that address fads or trends that are already starting to wane

                               Product line management isn’t about what you’re selling; it’s about what the
                               market is buying. Keep your focus on your customers — on what they value
                               not just today, but tomorrow.
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