Page 79 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 79

63Chapter 5: Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Budgets

      Habitat for Humanity Vision: To eliminate poverty housing and home-
      lessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of con-
      science and action.
      Habitat for Humanity Mission: To build and rehabilitate simple, decent,
      affordable homes in partnership with those who lack adequate shelter.

Developing your statement of purpose

Some companies combine mission and vision into a single statement of pur-
pose that defines their purpose, long-range goals, and core values.

It’s up to you whether to create statements of mission and vision or whether
to write an overall statement of purpose. Either way, your business will be
stronger if you put into writing the ultimate reason that you come to work
every day. Consider these questions as you work on your reason for being:

  ߜ Why did you get into this business in the first place?
  ߜ What need did you see that you felt you could fulfill better than anyone

      else could?
  ߜ What makes your business different from others?
  ߜ What commitment do you make to those you deal with — from employ-

      ees to suppliers to customers?
  ߜ What is the ultimate reason for your work?

Turning a profit is a desired result of your success, but don’t let the bottom
line become your purpose. Instead, articulate what positive change you are
trying to create through your business. This defines the heart and soul of
your company and the driving force behind all the decisions that you make.
From there, success — and profits — should flow.

Success stories

Most successful companies display their statements of purpose throughout
their workplaces and in their written communications. Check annual reports
and Web sites to find the statements of purpose from the business world’s
success stories. Here are some examples:

  ߜ Intel: To be the preeminent building block supplier to the worldwide
      Internet economy.

  ߜ 3M: To solve unsolved problems innovatively.
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